"Daughters of Rebekah" Oddfellows Lodge Pole Top Finials American, circa 1900

dimensions on stand: 3.5"d x 17”w x 9”h • price: $625

Four distinctive symbols of the female branch of the Independent order of the Oddfellows, the beehive, moon, dove and lily, these were used on the top of wooden poles at parades, lectures and honorary meetings. Daughters of Rebekah was established in 1851 and members were the sisters, wives and daughters of Oddfellows. They were known for their humanitarian, service-oriented organization; the name derived from Rebekah, an old testament woman whose kindness and hospitality to a humble, unknown stranger best characterized the sought-after virtues. These four nicely cast symbols have survived together, and in pristine condition. Chrome-plated brass, American, circa 1900; now displayed on a contemporary painted brass base.

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